When you sell a company a close partnership between the outgoing management and their appointed professional representatives is vital. In …
What information do you provide to potential buyers?
Once instructed Ventura Business Brokers will produce an Information Memorandum for your business. This document will be made available …
What are your fees?
Our fees are very competitive. We operate predominately on the basis of a ‘success fee’ and this will usually be based on the price …
How do you keep my sale confidential?
Confidentiality is of paramount importance to the vast majority of our clients. We will never reveal the name or exact location of any of …
What due diligence will buyers do?
When a sale has been agreed and the ‘heads of terms’ have been drawn up by Ventura Business Brokers your buyer will want to carry out due …
How do you value my business?
Every business is different and the valuation process and methodology will vary accordingly. Very often our clients have an expectation …